Hubble Spiral Galaxy NGC 4941 Virgo
NASA / ESA’s Hubble Space Telescope captures an exquisite image of NGC 4941, a spiral galaxy located approximately 67 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Virgo, also known as “The Maiden.” This relative proximity on a cosmic scale allows team to observe many intricate details, such as individual star clusters and filamentary clouds of gas as well as dust.

First-Generation Sealed 4GB Apple iPhone 2007 For Sale Auction
Photo credit: RR Auction
Spending $2-million on Super Mario Bros. is one thing, forking over $87,000 to get your hands on a sealed first generation 4GB Apple iPhone is another. It’s from the earliest production run in 2007, identifiable by the box featuring a life-size image of the iPhone with twelve icons on the screen, as the 13th icon for iTunes was added later that year.